From Plans to Wood

If you have already chosen your woodworking project but you don't know what to do next, this is the place to be!  Here are some short videos that show the steps from your choice of plans to cutting the wood.

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How much wood do I need?

Calculating the amount of wood you need begins with understanding each piece of your project.  This video will help you draw plans on graph paper so that you know how wide and how long each piece of your project should be.

What do I do with the plans in the Magazine?

I started subscribing to wood worker magazines in the 1980s.  As a confirmed packrat, I never throw anything away--including those years of magazines.  My students go page-by-page through the magazines to find a project they might like to do.  After figuring out how much wood they need, their next question is "What do I do with the plans in the magazine?"  This video answers that question.